The Meeting Place
What is The Meeting Place?
We are a Grace and Love based 12 Step Recovery Speaker/Discussion Meeting, Community Outreach, and 12 Step Program.
We respect and encourage membership and active participation in all 12 Step Recovery Programs and Fellowships.
We believe in attraction rather than promotion or condemnation.
We believe in the importance of a spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, and a spiritual family.
We believe in carrying the message of the Truth and Love of God to others through personal testimony, the Bible, and Recovery Literature.
We believe that building a strong spiritual foundation through the 12 Step process with the support of a spiritual family can be the beginning of a solution to deadly spiritual disease and that spiritual growth through daily Recovery and Biblical practices, with the support of the spiritual family, is the key to sustainable health, joy, and contentment in all areas of our lives.
We believe that reading scripture from the Bible, in addition to our Recovery literature of choice, is a valuable aid to our Recovery if one is religious or not.
We know that the early pioneers of Recovery read from the Bible and that the steps are based on Biblical principles (specifically The book of James, Matthew, and 1 Corinthians 13).
Love, love, love. Based on the message of Jesus Christ in the Bible and in our Recovery Literature, Loving God, Learning to love ourselves as His kids, and engaging in loving service toward others is our tradition.
We are a Grace and Love based 12 Step Recovery Speaker/Discussion Meeting, Community Outreach, and 12 Step Program.
We respect and encourage membership and active participation in all 12 Step Recovery Programs and Fellowships.
We believe in attraction rather than promotion or condemnation.
We believe in the importance of a spiritual foundation, spiritual growth, and a spiritual family.
We believe in carrying the message of the Truth and Love of God to others through personal testimony, the Bible, and Recovery Literature.
We believe that building a strong spiritual foundation through the 12 Step process with the support of a spiritual family can be the beginning of a solution to deadly spiritual disease and that spiritual growth through daily Recovery and Biblical practices, with the support of the spiritual family, is the key to sustainable health, joy, and contentment in all areas of our lives.
We believe that reading scripture from the Bible, in addition to our Recovery literature of choice, is a valuable aid to our Recovery if one is religious or not.
We know that the early pioneers of Recovery read from the Bible and that the steps are based on Biblical principles (specifically The book of James, Matthew, and 1 Corinthians 13).
Love, love, love. Based on the message of Jesus Christ in the Bible and in our Recovery Literature, Loving God, Learning to love ourselves as His kids, and engaging in loving service toward others is our tradition.
Orangevale Food Bank:
They are in continual need of non-perishable food donations. Please bring them in to the church office or Sanctuary any time weekday mornings or on Sunday. In addition, Pathway’s children’s ministry’s summer KidZone Camp, highlights the Orangevale Food Bank as the week’s Missions Project. Families are challenged to bring in food and baby supplies for a week-long team competition. Click on their logo to the right to see their website.
Law Enforcement Chaplaincy of Sacramento: Mindy and Frank Russell work for the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy of Sacramento
. They are a non-profit organization and serve 13 various agencies and are among the first ones to respond in a crisis. Many times they respond in the wake of violent crimes to aid the victim as well as the on-sight officer in their time of crisis. Mindy has been in the Chaplaincy for over 10 years and is the Senior Chaplain. Click on their picture on the right for their website.
The Center, Peniel Missions, Inc. Bob & Lisa Margaronbelieve it is better to build children than repair adults.
They serve children and families at the Stockton Peniel Neighborhood Center: Their first and foremost goal of their mission is to introduce inner-city kids to Jesus Christ. This ministry is accomplished through relationship-building and daily Bible clubs. Secondly they aim to teach biblical principles of faith, hope, and love, giving the children a stable foundation to build on for their future. This is accomplished through scripture memorization. Their third goal is to provide a safe haven for growth: spiritual, emotional, educational, social, and physical. According to Bob and Lisa, the most dangerous time of a kid’s life is between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. every day. To read more about Bob and Lisa’s vision and how best to pray for them, visit their website by clicking their picture on the right.
Equipping the local church to model and minister sanctified sexuality through Biblical instruction, Personal and Public Witness & Compassionate Outreach. They are a affiliated with Exodus International in helping individuals change their sexual desire. For more info including testimonies, support groups and ways to get help, click their logo on the right. Currently Pathway is not supporting this organization financially, but through prayer.
California Council on Alcohol Problems:
This organization led by Harvey Chinn is composed of citizens, churches, and denominational leaders who are concerned about the harmful impacts of alcohol and gambling on the Golden State. Under its two main public policy advocacy organizations, CalCAP and California Coalition Against Gambling Expansion (CCAGE), we effectively promote responsible alcohol and gambling policies to minimize the harmful affects these products and activities have on California communities. We also maintain a tax-deductible, charitable organization known as the Alcohol-Narcotics Education Foundation, dedicated to providing educational resources for students, congregations and the public. Click on their logo to the right for their website.
Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center
APRC is an amazing ministry in town that Pathway supports prayerfully and individuals raise support during the Walk for Life in May. APRC offers: Free pregnancy tests, Free ultrasound services, Parenting classes, Guys connection group, Sexual Health Information, Post abortive help, Abortion Information, Options Counsel, provides Community Resources & more. They are incredible! Click on their logo on the right for more info.
Powerhouse Ministries is a non profit compassion ministry serving?approximately 200 families, individuals and youth each week and is Folsom’s main social service provider having provided assistance to almost 90% of the community’s impoverished.Click on their logo on the right for more info.