RE-Pent Notes to complete July 19th Sermon

Isaiah 1:18-20
18 “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.  Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.
19 If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat.
20 But if you turn away and refuse to listen, you will be devoured by the sword of your enemies. I, the LORD, have spoken!”
1. What is the Deepest Need of Your Life/Nation Right Now?Hebrews 10:26-31 NLT Christ or Judgment?
a. Honesty b. Faith c. Surrender
Soul Searching
Step 4: Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
2. What is repentance?
The Greek metanoia is simply the changing of one’s mind.
The Hebrew word shub (pronounced “shoov”) is more picturesque.
It means turning, as in turning around. the about-face. “Transgression” (pesa) is an act of rebellion or disloyalty.
It is like trespassing where a “No Trespassing” sign is posted.
“Iniquity” (avon) is a crooked or perverse act,
an intentional twisting of legal or moral intent.
“Sin” (hatach) is missing the mark. Here the idea is that even though we want to do God’s will, and even try to do it, we fail—
All sin is against God.
3. What does repentance involve? Conditions for Repentance
How should a Christian practice repentance?
Luke 13:1-5 NLT A Call to Repentance
4, Understand that repentance is a Work of God’s Spirit
John 16:7-8 NLT “when he comes, he will convict the world of sin…”
We need the Spirit; As we have seen, repentance is a work of grace.
a. the Spirit must teach us the Word of God
Unless the Spirit opens our hearts and minds to the truth of God’s Law, we’ll never be able to appreciate the standards of holiness and justice God.
b. the Spirit having shown us the Law of God, convicts us
of any situations, sentiments, thoughts, or practices in our lives that are contrary to the holiness of the Law of God
c. Spirit takes up another work in us; He begins to make us willing to do what God wants, to live as He desires, to make ourselves
Ezekiel 36:25-27 NLT
d. Finally, Spirit of God enables us to declare our repentance to God. Identify sin: Confess sin: Changed mind about sin:
(I believe this is where I finished on Sunday)
5. In order to Understand repentance we must first understand the Mercy of God Romans 4:13-16 NLT
13 Clearly, God’s promise to give the whole earth to Abraham
and his descendants was based not on his obedience to God’s law,
but on a right relationship with God that comes by faith.
14 If God’s promise is only for those who obey the law,
then faith is not necessary and the promise is pointless.
15 For the law always brings punishment on those who try to obey it.
(The only way to avoid breaking the law is to have no law to break!)
16 So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free gift.
And we are all certain to receive it, whether or not we live according
to the law of Moses, if we have faith like Abraham’s.
For Abraham is the father of all who believe.
We cannot repent until we receive the mercy of God,
shown to us in the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer coined the phrase “polyphony of life” as a metaphor for the various melodies of life that captivate or consume our affections.  The invitation of Christ, he observed, does not come in such a way as to injure or weaken other loves, but always to provide a kind of cantus firmus to other melodies lest they run us adrift or out of tune.  The cantus firmus, which means “fixed song,” is a pre-existing melody that forms the basis of a polyphonic composition. I hear it all the time in my i-tunes collection, some of my favorite old songs, being redone electronically or to a different style of music, swing, jazz, whatever. Though the song introduces twists in pitch and style, counterpoint and refrain, the cantus firmus is the enduring melody not always in the forefront, but always playing somewhere within the composition.

Love of God was the cantus firmus for Bonhoeffer, the soul of the concerto and the clarifying essence for a life of various sounds and directions. “Where the cantus firmus is clear and plain, the counterpoint can be developed to its limits… Life isn’t pushed back into a single dimension, but is kept multi-dimensional and ployphonous as Bonhoeffer would say. (from Jill Carattini is managing editor of A Slice of Infinity at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia.)

So it should be in our lives, if repentance is real then the mercy of God should resonate in our lives in all that we do. It may take many forms depending on our personality, gifts, and graces. But in the music of our life, the refrain of God’s mercy must be heard in all that we say and do.

It is both brave and essential to listen to the various melodies that hold our lives and shape our affections, and to ask what is the guiding principle (song) behind it all. The invitation of Christ is one that will engage all of life. The fully human Incarnate Son could make no lesser request.
His invitation is that of fullness of life, a diversity of loves and desires shaped and flourishing around a firm cantus firmus . In this love, all things their find their coherence; the broken fragments of lesser songs are remade, re-tuned, and restored. So it is when Jesus is at the heart of our lives, the cantus firmus of His love for us becomes the music or our lives. We begin to see not only our lives, but all of life through the eyes of God’s mercy.

6. Real repentance seeks another path to walk,
One that follows Christ, walks in “all the ways of His commandments.”  We will not repent of our sins until all these conditions are met.  And, as often as they are met, we will repent, and thus discover again the starting-point of saving faith.

Repentance does not earn salvation; (Works)
but no salvation without works that follow our new walk with Christ as Head.

Westminster Confession
“As there is no sin so small, but it deserves damnation; so there is no sin so great, that it can bring damnation upon those who truly repent.”  Repentance is thus an avenue for great hope, relief, and joy, and a new beginning each day for knowing the salvation of the Lord.
The Confession continues,
“Men ought not to content themselves with a general repentance, but it is every man’s duty to endeavor to repent of his “particular sins” the ones that have captivated his life, the ones whose cantus firmus is of the world. When we begin to practice repentance like this, then the salvation we have in Jesus Christ will begin to flourish.

Repentance unto life!
Without Repentance there is no saving faith, no growth, and none of the good works that characterize true repentance.
Without these we may not expect to see the Lord, to know the righteousness, peace, and joy of His Kingdom, or to be a blessing to others as God intends.

Repentance is a work of grace, a work of God’s Spirit.
We must labor to understand repentance, put ourselves in the conditions where repentance can occur, and seek the Spirit of God to work within us that conviction, grief, willingness, and resolve that lead us through repentance into the fuller enjoyment of our walk with Jesus Christ.

Repentance is the starting-point for faith – for faith that issues in salvation, and for faith that grows in salvation day by day.
Seek the Spirit, and plead with Him to bring the grace of repentance more consistently and more powerfully into your life.  Philippians 2:12-18 NLT Shine Brightly for Christ

7. How does forgiveness happen?
Scraping off the Barnacles
When I was young, from age 3 to 13, we lived in Eureka, California. My mom’s folks lived there and my grandfather was a commercial Fisherman.  His boat was the “Johnson 7” (I never did find out what happened to the first six ) Every once in a while she had to be loaded up on the dry docks for maintenance and prayer. Then you could see the bottom of the boat and all the damage that time and the sea had done. Barnacles were everywhere and had to be scraped off.

How did Job do it? Job 2:7-8
7 Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.
8 And he took a potsherd to scrape himself while he was sitting among the ashes.
The barnacles of a rough time on the seas of life begin to collect and have their effect on us. Unlike Job, we cannot just scrape them off with broken pieces of pottery. But all of that scraping did nothing for the heart of Job who really felt like God had failed him. Faith in trusting God, without knowing the answers to “Why me?” is the only thing that can heal the hurts.
Job scraped the barnacles off. It was painful! The scars would remain but his life was put back together. Strong belief in God was the medicine.  His wife and his friends could not do it–only God could!  Job said, “I know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be with holden from Thee.” Job 42:2.

It takes an instant to decide to repent.
2 Samuel 12:13-14 NLT David Confesses His Guilt

But repentance is also a process that takes a lifetime.
Recovery is a process, not an event…we take it one day at a time  Romans 4:17-25

One sinner’s repentance benefits many sinners.
Your Life becomes a witness and a testimony to many – even those who don’t know you, they see you, they hear you, they sense your emotions.  One of the more striking things to confront in each of the four gospel accounts, besides the human Jesus himself, is the reactions people had to Him. When in his presence, some like Mary and the man with leprosy fell instantaneously at his feet, others like the young rich ruler or the people of Nazareth turned away. In his presence some cried for mercy and choices were made, theories adjusted, realities were challenged, affections transformed. For some it took years for them to come around to Christ.

Ironically, those deemed unrighteous and dishonorable by the social standards of the day were often the most responsive to the demands of Jesus. I have often wondered if this was because they were the ones most willing to see themselves without pretense. They are most willing to respond to their own inconsistencies with fear and trembling.
In the presence of Christ, the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda came to see the contradictions he lived with, his broken refrain, and his need for a new song.
The Samaritan woman at the well saw not only that Jesus was speaking truth, but that he was truth, and that his way of life was full of life, while her own had been forced to the sidelines.
Called into the presence of Christ, Zacchaeus saw his ravenous, isolating ways and the great hunger of his life for a different sort of communion.

Veritas vos Liberabit! Pastor Mike

The Roman Road

July 1, 2015375561_133898063434049_411880487_n
Have you ever wondered how our founding fathers would have reacted if they could see where our nation is today? The overwhelming majority of them were men of Christian faith and that had a tremendous impact on their political beliefs and our founding documents. What would be their reaction to the way the Word of God has been expunged from our public schools and the public square? What would they think about our Supreme Court making political & moral decisions based on their feelings and political correctness that would bring great harm to this once great nation?

The towering figures that made the American system possible were in the early days: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and John Marshall. Hamilton and Jefferson were conduits of earlier traditions found in 17th century England.

“Hamilton was court, of the British mercantilist tradition that called for a strong, centralized government dedicated, at home, to fostering the wealth and growth of the nation through aggressive intervention in and collusion with banking, commerce, and industry, backed by high taxes and government debt, and led by a strong executive. Abroad, it was to be backed by a powerful standing army, the tradition called for aggressive confrontation in the name of honor and in the pursuit of commerce.” 1

“Jefferson was a country man, of the newer and more radical libertarian/individualist tradition that distrusted strong government and centralization that saw proper government only as the protector of individual rights and all government as the greatest potential threat to individual rights. Therefore, government must be severely and legally limited to its proper functions. Those did not include intervention in or collusion with banking, commerce, industry, or the internal affairs of other nations. Governmental power would be decentralized with multiple power centers balanced against each other, government’s size kept very small, its taxes very low, its budget solvent, and national defense from non-aggressive civilian militias formed under the principle that the only just war is a defensive war.” 1

Today we hardly hear much about Hamilton, but Jefferson on the other hand has become to a level of great fame in the history of our country.
How ironic is that? As politics moved along, both parties of the American government have chosen the Hamiltonian road. As Hamilton ideas prevailed our government has grown to gargantuan size inserting itself into every place conceivable in the life of Americans, to a degree that I don’t think Hamilton ever intended and certainly Jefferson warned us about.

We are rapidly becoming a socialist country.

Grover Cleveland (our 22nd & 24th President who won the popular vote in
3 consecutive elections 1884, 1888, 1892) was the last great small government, low-tax, free trade, gold standard, anti-imperialist, constitutionalists. He was a “strict constructionist” when it came to the Constitution. He believed is should be used in its original intent.  He was the last President to walk down the Jeffersonian Road.

Most modern scholars, politicians, judges, (especially the Supreme Court Judges) are loose constructionists when it comes to the Constitution of the United States. In other words they believe that it is a living document whose boundaries can be stretched and interpreted to give the government the power and authority to do what they feel or think is politically correct.
Hence we have a president who feels free to change the law without the consent of congress, without the consent of the majority of the governed, using his own pen. These are perilous times. He has crossed the Rubicon, and taken upon himself the power of a Caesar, and the highest court in our land is backing him up.

Social Progressives are loose constructionists when it comes to our Constitution. They start with the conclusion of where they want to be, and then work backwards, twisting our constitution around in order to make room for their personal feelings, wants and desires. They don’t begin with a rigorous analysis of our Constitution. They are led instead by their feelings, wants and their desires. Hence the tail begins to wag the dog.

They construct clever arguments to convince the populace that their goals are only fair, reasonable and right, to make sure that everyone is treated the same, has the same opportunities, the same money, the same medical treatment, etc. Of course you realize that the politicians and government officials themselves are exempt from all of this. They put it on our backs with our money, and exclude themselves. Their rhetoric is too often filled with lies as they run for office, and then like chameleons, change their tune when elected and have nothing to lose.

“Members of the (Social Progressives) use their superior intellectual skills to turn the document from what it was meant to be into what they want it to be. Members of the (Political right) use their superior intellectual skills to preserve the original meaning of the document, though in fact they have been beaten into near irrelevancy in our modern world.” 1

When we step back and look at our country today we see every moral liberal agenda being sanctified by the government and justified by a Supreme court, twisting the constitution to make it “acceptable”. We are not too far from them imposing their agenda upon the followers of Jesus. They say that it won’t, but since when have politicians stopped lying to us.

As the Borg told Captain Kirk in Star Trek, “to resist is futile”.
Many Christians have sadly given up and accepted their fate. We will soon be forced to either give up our centuries old beliefs, or have to pay the penalty of forced taxation upon the church, or even jail if we refuse.
(Does that sound a little bit like ISIS to you?)   If you want to see where this progressive socialism is leading us,
just take a look at Greece today. Take a look at Sweden. Where has their free and open sex left them? The warning signs are everywhere, even in our own streets.

It is called the Roman Road. You can read about it in your history books, if you are able to find a history book that has not been re-written to misinterpret the facts to fit the feelings and thoughts of modern leftist socialists.
Don’t give up or give in. Fight the good fight with love and compassion.  Find the good books, read and study our history. It is our country.  We must be wise as the serpents themselves, but for the sake of Jesus, harmless as doves.

Veritas vos Liberabit!    Pastor Mike Mike-e1342678172131-150x150


1 Ledbetter, Mark David (2010-04-12). America’s Forgotten History,

got Evil?

The World’s Last best Hope June 15, 2015
After last week’s blog and Sunday’s sermon (Posted on our Website) many people were asking me for a list of books that they could read to educate themselves. Here is a list of what I have been reading.

E. Benjamin Andrews – 6 Vol. History of America – the best I’ve read
Mark David Ledbetter -America’s Forgotten History – excellent volume
Charles Murray – American Exceptionalism – Why we have been great
David Horowitz – The Black Book of the American Left – If you want to understand the progressive left, this is the author you want to read. He was raised and communist and a crucial cog in the radical 60’s but after the war ended and he saw what communism did to millions, he had “second thoughts” – and began to turn to the right. Today he is one of the best authorities on the progressive left, their many names and their goals.
Ravi Zacharius – The Real Faith of Atheism – One of the best apologists (defender of the faith) of our day.
Rodney Stark – A great historian – multiple books covers a lot of history.
Dinesh D’Souza- America, Imagine a world without her. A contemporary immigrant who sees clearly the
Jim Demint & J. David Woodard Why We Whisper- restoring our right to say it’s Wrong. – Addresses why so many are frightened to tell the truth.
Oswald Chambers Christian Disciplines
David Marshall The Truth behind the New Atheism
William J Bennet America The Last Best Hope
Peter Kreeft and Ronald K Tacelli Handbook of Christian Apologetics: Hundreds of Answers to Crucial Questions Kindle Edition
Norman L. Geisler The Big Book of Christian Apologetics got_evil_postcard-r7f841dc7d2ff47a1a0096fe26aceecda_vgbaq_8byvr_324
Norman L. Geisler Christian Apologetics

I know the list seems overwhelming, but just get started with one. Pick one that seems of interest to you. With the multi-volume books you might just choose ones that are related to the 20th century forward. This progressive socialism was evident in President Wilson a WWI isolationist forced into war.

With all of this bad news about the trouble America is in, many are people are asking “why all this evil”? “Why does God allow this to happen to us”?
If we are the world’s last best hope, then why would God let us fall?
The reason is very simple. You have to get your mind out of this world.
The World’s best hope has always been and will always be God the Creator.
In these terrible last days, He is our Last Best Hope.

God is not the author of Evil. (1 Corinthians 10:13) In fact evil is not something objective that you can collect and put in a can or jar. Evil is the absence of good. God is good.
Jesus told us the only God was good. To the degree that God and His Light is absent, then evil & it’s darkness claims the void. Did you ever wonder why God seemed so close in church, and then a bit more, maybe quite a bit more, distant out in the world. In worship, where we are exalting God,
His heavenly creatures are with us, joining in that exaltation. There is little room for a void, unless you are suppressing God’s presence. To the degree that you do that, the less you will receive from God out of worship.

The question naturally arises “Why did God allow temptation to be there in the first place?” First of all, God tempts no one. (James 1:13,14) But He does allow us to undergo testing. That is why the one tree – the tree of the “knowledge of good and evil” was created in the garden. God wanted us to choose obedience & in that obedience we would have found the difference between good and evil. But in choosing dis-obedience, we discovered the difference from the side of darkness, defeat & death. So we hid from God. We’ve been running from Him ever since. But like the Good Shepherd that He is, He has been chasing us down ever since, to bring us back to Himself.

When God created us, He wanted us to be a much higher level, and so He gave us great intelligence and the ability to choose between right and wrong. In the Garden they chose poorly, and as a result sin came into the world and God would no longer be fully present. As a result of our actions, we created a void, as it were, and Satan took advantage of that filling the void with sin ad darkness. The more the world went into darkness, the worse life became. Immorality and crime increased. It is only a matter of time until God says, “Enough! I’ve had Enough!” And then destruction follows. Read history and you will see it is true.

Just as cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of good. Knowing this, there are many believers who want to go into the heart of the darkness in order to shine the Light of God.
It might cost them everything, but they cannot ignore the call of God in their lives to let His Light shine in those terrible places, whether it is in an American Ghetto or a Mid-Eastern place torn apart by the forces of evil.

Eventually God’s Light will overcome all the darkness of this world, when He comes back to establish His Kingdom. The key to His return is to finish the great task He has given us. When the Gospel is preached over the entire world, and everyone hears about the love of God (whether they accept it or not) He will come back to us. Come quickly Lord (Maranatha) was the call of the early church. May it become our passion today.
Coram Deo, Pastor Mike

Flag Day!

On January 1, 1776, the Continental Army was reorganized in accordance with a Congressional resolution which placed American forces under George Washington’s control. On that New Year’s Day the Continental Army was laying siege to Boston which had been taken over by the British Army. Washington ordered the Grand Union flag hoisted above his base at Prospect Hill. It had 13 alternate red and white stripes and the British Union Jack in the upper left-hand corner (the canton).

In May of 1776, Betsy Ross reported that she sewed the first American flag.
On June 14, 1777, in order to establish an official flag for the new nation, the Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act:
“Resolved, That the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate 7 red and 6 white”
The stripes represent the original 13 colonies.
The colors of the stripes are symbolic as well:
• Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor,
• White symbolizes Purity and Innocence
That Congress also stated that that “the union be thirteen stars,
white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.”
• Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice.

Between 1777 and 1960, Congress passed several acts that changed the shape, design and arrangement the flag and allowed for additional stars
to be added to reflect the admission of each new state.

For more than 200 years, the American flag has been the symbol of our nation’s strength and unity. It’s been a source of pride and inspiration for millions of citizens. And the American Flag has been a prominent icon in our national history. For many it has been the banner of Freedom, standing for truth and justice and an American way obible_flag-apha-130123f life the holds all people equal.

Through numerous wars, the flag has become a powerful symbol of Americanism and is proudly flown on many occasions. But it was WW2 that really struck the hearts of Americans who were besieged from the east and the west. Mike Dalka talks about the impact the flag had on his grandfather during that war, and the wars following.

“My Grandfather was a glider infantryman in WWII, an adviser in Korea, and lost one of his sons, my uncle Gary Edwards, in Vietnam. I worked in his auto repair station during high school and he flew his flag in front daily.
One day while I was sweeping the oil dry out of the bays it began to sprinkle rain. He told me to go get the flag and I said “gimme a second.” He said,
“It is raining, go get the flag NOW.” Well I popped off my mouth about how he should cool it, it isn’t going to melt or some such typical teenage comment.
My grandfather is the toughest man I’ve ever met. He explained once that he thought basic training was some sort of country club during WWII, because he was used to hard work anyway, and at home he didn’t have indoor toilets or hot running water! And when I said whatever it was that I said to him, he turned deep crimson and I thought, “God save me, he’s going to kill me for talking back.”

Instead tears welled up in his eyes and he squeaked out “You don’t understand what this family has paid for the right to fly that flag.” Then he turned his back on me and went out and got the flag. I just stood there feeling like the smallest person to ever live. Those words cut me so deep.   I wish the entire country could have heard them.” (end quote)
I’ve heard many a veteran say similar words with equal passion.

When I was growing up in school we always recited the pledge of allegiance to the American flag. “I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” When I was a teenager in High School (graduating in 1966) and then in College, the Viet Nam war was escalating, I was selected to attend VMI (Virginia Military Institute – which predated the Civil War). There I learned to respect the flag and our countries heritage even more.

When the anti-war movement began I was appalled by what was happening, the lack of support for our troops, who were fighting to keep communism out of Sought Viet Nam (just as we had in Korea). I was stunned to see the rebellious trampling our flag, burning it in effigy, and seemingly (like Jane Fonda) joining the side of the communists against us.
Little did I know then that the rebellion in America was being led buy outright anarchists, who today describe themselves today as the “progressive left”, whose goal is to bring down American Capitalism and replaced it with a socialistic Communism. Many of them now teach in our highest institutions joined by new brand of radicals. These anarchists go by many names (just like ISIS) but they have but one goal that is similar to the Islamists: to bring down America.
This became clearer to me when, during the administration of President Jimmy Carter, Persia fell to the Ayatollahs, and American hatred was demonstrated in the same way as the 60’s radicals of America. Their movement has progressed in America. They now control our institutions of learning, Hollywood, the press, the television news and our politics. Who would ever have dreamed that we would have leaders who would attend a church where the preacher would get up and say “God damn America”?
We see it now in the rioting across America, the same anarchists fly in from across the country to ferment unrest and distrust in America.
I freely admit that we have problems in our democracy. No doubt there is still too much racism, too much hatred, too much unhappiness in a country committed to freedom in which we are entitled to pursue life, liberty and happiness. But all of that which has made America great is up for grabs today. We are losing more and more of our freedoms as we lean more and more towards socialism. As the anarchists take advantage of their power to truly bring an unholy change to America, many who think differently feel helpless. These anti-Americans continue to ferment the unrest and distrust in our country, the very things that have brought down many countries which now suffer under communism and totalitarianism.
It makes me very fearful for the future of my grandchildren. I hope & pray that this Nation might yet have enough people who understand the cost of liberty to turn things around. It will mean that people will have to educate themselves about our true history, as schools will not. It means that people are going to have to find the courage to speak out against the radicals with the truth. It means that we are going to have to unite and vote for politicians who will correct the course of our nation and save us from the inevitable end to all countries who turn their backs on God in order to pursue their immoralities and godlessness.
May the flag of freedom continue to fly in keeping with the ideals of our founders and great leaders of the past years.
Pastor Mike

Rx for America

While I was in Korea, I was stunned by the presence of a highly
modernized society with beautiful sky scrapers canstock14551572abounding, with high speed rail, subways, and crowded city streets.  It is certainly not a 3rd world country.  It is a first rate country, thanks in part to America who after the Korean war helped to begin the reconstruction of South Korea.  The Koreans took their democracy and freedom and ran with it.

But as in the case of all such advanced societies, they have also imported the immoralities of America.  It broke my heart to see and hear of the night life of so many Koreans, especially the young people.  It got me to thinking about what happened in America, and how we have exported our evils to the world, just like the Babylon of Revelation.

When I got back I found this excerpt sent to me from Bill Federer in his “American Minute”. (He preached at Pathway a number of months ago.)

Just six weeks after the Battles of Lexington and Concord,

Harvard President Samuel Langdon, MAY 31, 1775,

spoke to the Massachusetts Provincial Congress.
Samuel Langdon’s address was titled “Government Corrupted by Vice”:
“They…attempted, by a sudden march of a body of troops in the night, to seize and destroy one of our magazines, formed by the people merely for their own security…The fire began first on the side of the king’s troops…
But for what?
Because they have made a noble stand for their natural and constitutional rights, in opposition to the machinations of wicked men…aiming to enslave and ruin the whole nation…”
Samuel Langdon continued:
“We must keep our eyes fixed on the supreme government of the ETERNAL KING, (Jesus) as directing all events, setting up or pulling down the kings of the earth at His pleasure…
That for the sins of a people God may suffer the best government to be corrupted, or entirely dissolved; and that nothing but a general reformation can give ground to hope that the public happiness will be restored…”
Harvard President Langdon spoke further:
“The kingdom of Israel was brought to destruction, because its iniquities were full…because there remained no hope of reformation…
Their government degenerated in proportion as their vices increased, till few faithful men were left in any public offices……

At length, when they were delivered up for seventy years into the hands of the king of Babylon, scarcely any remains of their original excellent civil polity appeared among them…”
Langdon added:
“When a government is in its prime…virtue prevails

every thing is managed with justice, prudence, and frugality…
But vice will increase with the riches and glory of an empire; and this gradually tends to corrupt the constitution, and in time bring on its dissolution.
This may be considered not only as the natural effect of vice, but a righteous judgment of heaven, especially upon a nation which has been favored with the blessing of religion and liberty, and is guilty of undervaluing them; and eagerly going into the gratification of every lust…”
Langdon went on:
“They were a sinful nationwho had forsaken the Lord; and provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger...
Their princes were rebellious against God…

seizing the property of the subjects…and robbing the public treasury.
Everyone loved gifts…they were influenced in every thing by bribery

they even justified and encouraged the murder of innocent persons to support their lawless power……And God, in righteous judgment,

left them to run into all this excess of vice to their own destruction, because they had forsaken Him…
The public greatly suffered, and the people groaned, and wished for better rulers and better management.
But in vain they hoped for a change…when the spirit of religion was gone, and the infection of vice was become universal.
The whole body being so corrupted, there could be no rational prospect of any great reformation in the state, but rather of its ruin…”
Rev. Samuel Langdon continued his address to the Massachusetts Provincial Congress:
“Yet if a general reformation of religion and morals had taken place, and they had turned to God from all their sins —  
if they had again recovered the true spirit of their religion, God, by the gracious interpositions of His providence, would soon have found out methods to restore the former virtue of the state, and again have given them men of wisdom and integrity……We have rebelled against God.

We have lost the true spirit of Christianity, though we retain the outward profession and form of it.
We have neglected…the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

and His holy commands and institutions…
Their hearts are far from Him. By many, the Gospel is corrupted into a superficial system of moral philosophy, little better than ancient Platonism…”
Rev. Samuel Langdon concluded:
Let us repent and implore the divine mercy. Let us amend our ways and our doings, reform everything that has been provoking the Most High and thus endeavor to obtain the gracious interpositions of Providence for our deliverance……May the Lord hear us in this day of trouble…We will rejoice in His salvation, and in the name of our God, we will set up our banners!…
Wherefore is all this evil upon us? Is it not because we have forsaken the Lord?
Can we say we are innocent of crimes against God?

No, surely it becomes us to humble ourselves under His mighty hand, that He may exalt us in due time……If God be for us, who can be against us? The enemy has reproached us for calling on His name and professing our trust in Him. They have made a mock of our solemn fasts and every appearance of serious Christianity in the land…
May our land be purged from all its sins! Then the Lord will be our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble, and we will have no reason to be afraid, though thousands of enemies set themselves against us round about.”
Reverend Langdon nailed it for all history!

Coram Deo,  Pastor Mike
0601 blog

On Any Given Sunday


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In America the Church has lost its appeal, even among professing Christians.  I can remember back in the early 70’s, in my first church, talking to the husbands whose wives attended church, but they refused to accompany them.  They would say that they believed in God and the Bible and in Jesus Christ, but did not see the need for attending church.  They appealed back to the cowboy tradition in Kernville, who would come out to build the church because they felt it was the right thing to do, but they themselves would never attend.  “I can worship God out in His creation, fishing on the lake or along the river” was the line most commonly used excuse.


But I knew (and they knew as well) that they did not love Jesus or want any kind of personal relationship with Him.  They designed their own God to fit their desire not to be a part of the body of Christ.


What is new today is that many folks who call themselves “evangelical Christians” don’t see the need to attend church.  After all, salvation is by faith, and they have said “the prayer”, so they are saved, and that is all that really matters to them.  Such “works” as church attendance is not necessary.  As a result in our culture, anything becomes a good excuse not to attend church.  Sports for young people has gradually taken over Sunday mornings.  Barbeques, trips to the lake, or just watching sports on TV is good enough reason to miss church.  New surveys are showing that on any given Sunday, 1/3 of the church congregation will not be in church.


The Bible talks a lot about the “Body of Christ”, His church, His people.

Acts 1:14 NLT

14     They all met together and were constantly united in prayer,

along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women,

and the brothers of Jesus.

Acts 2:1-2 NLT

1       On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together

in one place.

2       Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty

wind storm, and it filled the house where they were sitting.

Hebrews 10:23-25 NLT

24     Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love

and good works.

25     And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do,

but encourage one another,

especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.



The German Common Language Translation reverses the order of the first sentence so as to make the meaning clearer: “Some have formed the habit of staying away from meetings of the Christian community. That is not good; instead, you must rather encourage one another.”  Why encourage one another?  The answer is given clearly in the following verses, Heb. 10:26-31.

Those verses should wake any sleeping Christian who has neglected the fellowship of the Body of Christ.


Thomas Rainer says, “Stated simply, the number one reason for the decline in attendance is that members attend with less frequency than they did just a few years ago.”  This matters—a lot.  For example, our church is made up of about 200 people who call us their church home.  But if 1/3 of those miss each week, our attendance drops to 134.  Did you catch that? No members left the church. Everyone is still relatively active. But attendance declined 33%.  When you lose power by 1/3, it is noticeable.  The offerings fall off, the volunteers fade away, and church growth stalls out.


We rarely notice when someone who attends four times a month fades to three times. Nor do we typically catch it when the twice-a-month attendee becomes a once-a-month attendee.  Of course, the heart of the problem is not declining numbers but waning commitment.  Until we get our churches back to the committed membership the Apostle Paul mandates in

1 Corinthians 12, we will continue to see declining attendance.


However, when church attendance becomes truly meaningful, our churches will become an unstoppable force for the Kingdom and glory of God.


Veritas pro Christo et ecclesia, Pastor Mike